is supposed to be key to just about anything. Over confidence is not good, but
less confidence is good in many ways. Why?
of Business Psychology at University College London, his research findings
argue that a less confident person will be more successful than someone who is
overconfident. His reasons are below.
Self Criticism
with Low confidence are more likely to take constructive to heart and being
very aware of their flaws, fix them.
2. Motivation
self-confidence will make you work that much harder, because you think you have
a long way to go before you get there.
people are more likely to admit their mistakes and less likely to take credit
for others' accomplishments.
In general take Constructive criticism
seriously and recognize the Contributions of Others .
criticism seriously: Criticism:
“You’re driving me crazy.” Constructive criticism: “You’re driving me crazy
because you refuse to label the files you keep dropping on my desk.” Know the
difference so you don’t take unconstructive
criticism too much to heart, and then take what feedback you can from the
constructive kind. Your co-workers will appreciate that you’re not only
listening, but doing your best to improve.
What You Can Do: Break your goal into smaller steps. For instance, manageable steps in “get a promotion” could be something like:
1. Write down all the contributions I’ve made to my
2. Research positions and salaries in similar
3. Draw up a list of points to make with my request
4. Schedule a meeting
5. Get a great night’s sleep the evening before!
Recognize the Contributions of Others
What You Can Do: When you recognize the great job someone has done,
compliment her. When someone else deserves the credit on a project, give it to
them. Being gracious takes effort, but the more you do it, the easier it gets.
Original article at
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